Corrosion Treatment and Prevention System

Corrosion is the degradation of a material caused by chemical or electrochemical reaction with the enviroment.

This big issue costs $2.5 Trillions anually

Corrosion increases the risk of catastrophic equipment failures and becomes exceptionally costly. Because of that, buildings and bridges can collapse, oil pipelines break and chemical plants leak.

The overall safety and the utility to produce that security, greatly decreases when corrosion enters any infrastructure, machinery and/or component. Consequently, liabilty increases for workers, owners, and individuals that day to day risk being hurt injured, or worse by compromised corroded structures.

Damage to:

  • Commercial Airplanes.
  • Bridges and Supports.
  • Buildings Infrastructure.
  • Transportation Vehicles.
  • Seabound Vessels.
  • Vital Machinery and Components

Corrosion is a big issue in the world and one that we must strive to solve. since the iron and bronze era, humans have battled corrosion. Today in modern times, corrosion affects economic growth, infrastructure, and the environment.

Due to this invasive force, industries like utilities and transportation may contribute to these adverse effects on the surronding habitate. Corroded pipelines that will eventually lead to leaks and spills, polluting the surrounding area and/or water resources is just one of many examples of the damaging power that lies within corrosion.

The annual cost of corrosion equals 2.5 trillion, which would be approximately 3.4% of the global gdp, according to an article published by NACE: “Corrosion cost and preventive strategies”.

In a 2016 study conducted by the same institution, found that the annual cost associated with corrosion was that of 575 billion, 3.1% of the country’s gdp at that time.

Global MAD Proposes a Revolutionary Method That Eradicates Rust From All Surfaces.

  • Provides a physical barrier to the passage of water and oxygen.
  • produce an insoluble film that prevents active corrosion.
  • improves adhesion of the coating to the substrate, the key to preventing corrosion.
  • Improves the efficiency of metals or other components.
  • Redefine industrial operations.
  • Reduce maintenance and replacement cost.
  • Protects against degradation due to the variety of environmental or industrial chemicals in a range of industries.
  • Barrier to inhibit the contact between chemical compounds and corrosive materials.